• Interview Strategy

面接の形式、よく出る質問、突破のポイントとは? 面接対策

The most important matter in the selection process is an interview. You should realize your strengths and check the contents of your submitted documents such as the entry sheet and resume again so that you can talk to the interviewer using your own words.

Learn the forms of interview

There are various forms of interview. In any form, you should prepare to be able to describe your strengths and reasons for applying to the company calmly in your own words.

01Individual interview

It is conducted for one applicant by one interviewer or a number of interviewers. You may be nervous since interviewer(s) have their full attention on you. But, you should try to talk firmly about yourself.


An interviewer will ask you some questions based on your entry sheet or resume. You should check what you wrote before the interview.

02 Group interview

It is conducted with a number of applicants at the same time. Since the time for one applicant is limited, you should try to fully appeal to the interviewers. Also, it is important for you to listen carefully to the other applicants.


You should be careful of your listening attitude when other applicants are replying.

03Group discussion

A group of several people discuss one theme. It is observed that which role you play in the group, whether you are able to understand others’ opinions or not, whether you are presenting your opinion or not, and whether you are able to summarize the opinions as a whole or not.


Leadership, cooperativity, and consideration to others are checked. In other words, “How you relate to others” is observed. Many rejected applicants are those who can’t present their opinions or those who can’t listen to others.


You make a presentation on a given theme, which is often the case for the applicants in more specified occupations such as research and development positions. It is used to check what kind of skills the applicant has and whether he/she has the right aptitude for certain opening post or not. Themes vary such as a proposal for the business, appealing points about his/herself etc. You should firmly tell your opinions at your own pace.


Since it shows how hard you studied, you should prepare with rigorous practice!

What an interviewer is observing?

Before hand, you should grasp what the company is trying to observe through the various kinds of interviews.

01The first impression, strength, personality

The first impression including expressions, appearance, attitude and language (choice of words) is one important evaluation criteria. And, the company is trying to judge what the applicant’s “strength” is. You should show your strength as a global human resource.

Examples of questions asked at interview

  • What did you to work hard at in your school days?
  • State your strengths and shortcomings.
  • How do you want to utilize your strengths in the company.

02Desire to work for the company

Not simply appealing to your desire to work for the company, it is also important to tell concrete reasons why you have applied to the company in an organized matter. It is crucial to do company research to learn about its business and products.

Examples of questions asked at an interview

  • What do you want to do in the company?
  • Why do you want to get a job?
  • State your strengths that you can utilize in the company

03Presence or absence of aptitude

“Is there any mismatching between the applicant’s desired job and actual job contents?”, “Does the applicant’s aptitude fit to the job or not?” these concrete facets are observed. It is important that you fully understand the matters you have studied at university and the job description at your desired company.

Examples of questions asked at interview

  • Present your plans for improvement of the company’s business
  • What kind of company can survive for 100 years?

04Character, Peronality

Asking various questions, the recruiting personnel is trying to draw out your character and personality. At the interview, it is important to show who you are rather than trying too hard to show you are a model applicant.

Some Japanese companies have concerns in hiring international students over their adaptability and propensity to settle in an organization and their Japanese language ability At the interview, you should eliminate these concerns.

Examples of questions asked at interview

  • What is the reason why you came to Japan to study?
  • Why do you want work in a Japanese company?
  • Do you want to be relocated to a regional subsidiary in your country?
  • State your future vision
  • How long do you want to work in Japan?
  • What are strong points on your adaptability to Japanese language and culture?

Points for passing the interview

Understanding Human resources that companies desire

It is a point on breakthrough that you understand what kind of human resources are sought by companies. In order to understand it, you should conduct company research by participating in company information seminars and visiting alumni who are working in the company. And, you should have some strength as an international student. As you analyze yourself, at the same time, you should be prepared to promote yourself


Aptitude and skills of international students
that Companies desire

1st:Japanese language ability
2nd: Communication skills
4th:Interest in the company and industry
5th: Ability to take action
8th: Language skills other than Japanese
9th: Perseverance
10th:Problem-finding and problem-solving skills

source of reference: (2024 graduates) Status of Japanese companies hiring International students (by Mynavi)

Have a lot of experiences being interviewed

You need to get used to interviews. Through experience, you will develop a firm footing. At the time of an internship, you should challenge to get used to various company’s interview.

How to practice for an interview

  • Participate in a strategy course provided on an employment information site such as Mynavi.
  • Consult a counselor in the career center at your university.
  • Use a mock interview tool.
    A mock interview tool
  • Prepare for it by purchasing a strategy book.

It is effective to have your response listened to and get someone’s thoughts or impressions in your interview practice. In case you practice alone, you should practice it by taking a video to observe yourself and to check objectively how you will be seen by the other party.